What IS Tested In A Water Inspection?
The quality of the water we drink and use daily impacts our health. Polling shows 61% of Americans worry about polluted drinking water, especially after a handful of city-wide contamination cases becoming prominent as early as the last decade. That being said, the United States still has one of the safest water supplies in the world, but can you afford to take the risk of forgoing a water inspection?
The EPA sets standards and regulations for the presence and levels of over 90 contaminants in public drinking water, including E.coli, Salmonella, Cryptosporidium, metals such as lead, and disinfection byproducts. These contaminants and more are the main hazards commonly tested during a water inspection. Other water quality indicators also include testing the number of total coliform bacteria per percentile of water and the pH levels of water. The pH level of the water can change how your water looks and tastes. If the pH of your water is too low or too high, it could damage your pipes, cause heavy metals like lead to leak out of the pipes into the water, and eventually make you sick.
At a minimum and if applicable, you should check your well every spring to make sure your system is working well. Testing least once a year is a good practice independent of where your water supply comes from. You should also have your well tested if there are known problems with well water in your area, after known floods and land disturbances or if you’re near waste disposal sites, if you repair or replace your system, or if there’s a noticeable change in water quality. Only trust your water inspection to licensed and certified individuals associated with verified labs. Thankfully, Jason Home Inspection has all the qualifications you need for peace of mind over your water supply!